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Goal 5: Quality Education in Facilities




Goal 6: Supportive School Environments




Goal 9: Smooth Transitions




Goal 10: Protect Especially Vulnerable Youth




Recommendations to Improve Correctional and Reentry Education for Young People, Juvenile Law Center et al.

In 2012, the U.S. Department of Education hosted a Summit on Education in Correctional Facilities to address correctional and reentry education for youth and adults. The goal was to ensure that previously incarcerated individuals have the supports and tools needed to be positively engaged members of society who are prepared for employment. Participants at the summit recognized that youth have unique needs, which require a separate set of standards, approaches, and programs.

Supporting Student Achievement through Sound Behavior Management Practices in Schools and Juvenile Justice Facilities: A Spotlight on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), NDTAC

This issue brief describes “an overview of the link between student behavior and traditional discipline responses by schools, and how both affect academic achievement.” Supportive behavior management practices are essential to promoting academic success and preventing unnecessary justice system involvement resulting from punitive school discipline practices. This brief highlights Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports as an alternative behavior management practice that has demonstrated promise in public schools and juvenile justice facilities.

Successfully Transitioning Youth Who Are Delinquent Between Institutions and Alternative and Community Schools, NDTAC and AIR

This issue brief is a resource for judges, court officials, educators, service providers, legislators, agency heads and other decision makers to better understand the rationale and procedures that reinforce effective transition practices. Focusing on the reentry and aftercare stage of transition, this resource outlines the key youth and adult competencies that promote successful reentry. Additionally, this paper identifies necessary elements of successful transition practices that are most effective if in place prior to and during reentry.

Quality Education Services Are Critical for Youth Involved With the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems, NDTAC

The fourth guide in the series created in partnership with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, NDTAC examines the importance of quality educational services to youth in the juvenile justice system. The guide provides practices and strategies that align with Guiding Principles for Providing High-Quality Education in Juvenile Justice Secure Care Settings, and can be used by educators and juvenile justice professionals to improve education programming and outcomes for youth. 

Providing Individually Tailored Academic and Behavioral Support Services for Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems, NDTAC

"Providing Individually Tailored Academic and Behavioral Support Services for Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems" is the second guide in this series by NDTAC, and examines the “principle that individually tailored academic and behavioral support services should be provided to foster better outcomes for youth involved with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.” The guide provides practices and implementation strategies designed to promote a supportive educational system that responds to individual needs and helps students overcome challeng

Key Considerations in Providing a Free Appropriate Public Education for Youth With Disabilities in Juvenile Justice Secure Care Facilities, NDTAC

NDTAC published an issue brief, "Key Considerations in Providing a Free Appropriate Public Education for Youth With Disabilities in Juvenile Justice Secure Care Facilities," which outlines key components within the IDEA necessary for providing FAPE to youth with disabilities in juvenile justice facilities.

Improving Educational Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems Through Interagency Communication and Collaboration, NDTAC

In partnership with the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, NDTAC prepared a series of practice guides to provide concrete strategies for adopting the principles and practices of the monograph Addressing the Unmet Educational Needs of Children and Youth Exposed to the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems.

The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth (NDTAC)

NDTAC is a national resource center providing direct assistance to states, schools, communities, and parents seeking information on the education of children and youth who are considered neglected, delinquent, or at-risk.  The Center works with service providers and state and local administrators of the Title I, Part D program, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Juvenile Justice Shared Agenda, Tools for Promoting Educational Success and Reducing Delinquency, National Association of State Directors of Special Education and National Disability Rights Network

In 2005, the National Association of State Directors of Special Education and the National Disability Rights Network hosted a meeting of professionals and national organizations to discuss the disproportionate number of youth with disabilities in the juvenile justice system. This meeting led to the creation of the Juvenile Justice Shared Agenda to address this over-representation of youth with disabilities.

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