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Goal 5: Quality Education in Facilities




Goal 6: Supportive School Environments




Goal 9: Smooth Transitions




Goal 10: Protect Especially Vulnerable Youth




Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities

This brief serves as a guide for states in their quest to provide essential education and workforce tools for youth within the juvenile justice system. It contains an overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act, what state accountability means, three areas of priority on which states should focus, and information regarding specific states implementing practices and policies that are generating important juvenile justice outcomes.


Webinar: Championing the Potential of Youth on Probation: Critical Education Advocacy for Justice-Involved Youth

This forty-minute webinar discusses the National Center for Youth Law’s FosterEd initiative. The video explores why youth on probation required additional educational support and how FosterEd has worked with collaborators to advocate for policy change and services. The webinar discusses how the initiative works with partners to advocate for change and “what steps other organizations can take to join the movement to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for youth.” This webinar presented in conjunction with release of the accompanying publication.

AYPF Website with Career Pathways Resources for Youth in Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, and Cross-over Youth

This website provides resources for systems-involved young people and their advocates to assist with educational attainment into college and careers. The links provided by the American Youth Policy Forum draws upon nationwide-research and data to provide “snapshots of the education and workforce outcomes” of youth in the child welfare and/or juvenile justice systems. The challenges these young people face are also explored.

College Not Prison: A Project Aimed to Make College Accessible and Affordable for Justice-Involved Youth, IHEP

College Not Prison is a campaign from the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) that aims to “make college accessible and affordable for justice-involved youth.” This project seeks to improve student access and ensure student success by advocating for policy changes. The website landing page provides infographics and statistics about the importance of education for justice-involved youth and provides policy recommendations.

Comprehensive Training Modules for Educators Working with Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, The National Partnership for Juvenile Services

The National Partnership for Juvenile Services (NPJS) is an organization that provides professional development and promotes best practices in the field of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. NPJS has a landing page for educators that houses training modules for working with justice-involved youth. Each training module has a Facilitator Guide, a Participant Manual, a PowerPoint presentation, and video segments. The three modules available are 1) Engaging Youth in Learning; 2) Mixed Ability Classrooms; and 3) Technology in Custody and Alternative Education Settings.

Desktop Guide and Practice Manual to Inform Quality Practice for Working with Youth in Confinement, National Institute of Corrections

This Desktop Guide to Quality Practice for Working with Youth in Confinement was created by the National Institute of Corrections in order to create a resource that systematically assesses conditions of confinement, outlines ways to improve conditions, and provides information and resources to juvenile justice leaders and advocates.

Reentry Programs for Students with Disabilities in the Juvenile Justice System: Four State Approaches

This policy brief discusses four state approaches to reentry programs for students with disabilities in the juvenile justice system. The publication provides an overview and background about reentry and explains federal supports to support successful reentry. The purpose of reentry programs and recommended reentry strategies are discussed. Case specific examples of reentry programs in Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, and Oregon are highlighted.

Mentoring Toolkit: Resources for Developing Programs for Incarcerated Youth, NDTAC

The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth (NDTAC) authored this toolkit, which provides resources for developing programs for incarcerated youth and provides program descriptions and links to important resources. The toolkit is divided into five sections discussing mentoring, explaining the characteristics of juvenile offenders, designing effective mentoring programs, providing tools to develop the programs, and giving sample program overviews

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