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Promising Resources, Policies, and Practices

Goal 5: Quality Education in Facilities

Goal 7: Career Pathways


Goal 8: Post-Secondary Access

Goal 9: Smooth Transitions

Guidelines for Transitioning DJS Youth to Public Schools (2014)

This document discusses policies for transition of youth involved with the Maryland juvenile justice system, both upon admission to a detention facility and upon release from detention. Specific policies are set forth for youth in detention programs and for youth in committed programs. In both policies, facility staff are tasked with ensuring that the youth’s education records are received and reviewed within three days of admission to the program and that an education plan based on the program’s average length of stay is established.

Courses Taught by University Faculty, Backbone Mountain Youth Center

Backbone Mountain Youth Center serves 48 young males who are part of juvenile justice system and have been ordered to receive treatment services. Part of the treatment program at Backbone Mountain Youth Center involves classes taught by Garrett University faculty for college credit. Led by a college program coordinator on site, students are able to take courses at Garrett Community College. 

Fresh Start, Living Classrooms Foundation

This program is funded through the Promising and Effective Practices Network and cited by Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as an example of a program to assist youth in successful transition to the workforce. OJJDP describes Fresh Start, Living Classrooms Foundations as a “program that provides hands-on work experiences and educational programs to youth recently released from a secure residential facility. Youth build and repair boats and engines, work in a marina, and have the opportunity to sail aboard foundation vessels.”

The Juvenile Services Education Program: Alfred D. Noyes Children Center

Noyes is a co-ed secure facility that offers the Juvenile Services Education program, which functions as closely as possible to an outside public school. The school has a principal, librarian, guidance counselor, resource teacher, two special education teachers, and four teachers.

In addition to English, math, and computer literacy, the program also offers career focused programs like ServSafe certification, office systems management, and other life skills.

Juvenile Services Educational Program

In Maryland, the Department of Education is responsible for developing and implementing juvenile services educational programs at all residential facilities operated by the Department of Juvenile Services. MD Code, Educ., § 22-303. However, a 2015 investigation by the Baltimore Sun identified the assumption of responsibility for the provision of educational services within juvenile facilities as moot without additional funding or supports for teachers within the facilities. See, Criticism Leveled at Schools for Maryland Juvenile Offenders, Baltimore Sun, Dec.

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